FoundShare - an ICO marketplace, Startup Weekend Fin Tech Geneva
21 - 23 April 2017, Fintech Fusion was hosting Startup Weekend Fin Tech Geneva.
The Fintech Startup Weekend is a huge pot of skills, ambitious people with complementary background wanted to challenge their powers.
The goal was simple: accelerate the FinTech movement, use the community power to research and create new disruptive ideas, face yourself to judges. Everything in 52 hours to create a validated business plan.
The event was supported by Swiss FinteCH and theScreener. Eve
Thanks to Cyrus Fazel, I took the time to create a business idea for the initial pitching session. And guess what? The idea got support and was selected to the finals ✌!
The Idea

My idea was simple: create a crowdfounding market place for equity investment and startups.
- Myself
- Faiza Elasri
- Daniela Jindra
- Mirko Kueck
- Marlon Marcz
Coach: Paul Loeffler, Startup Coach and VP @ NEEO
Thanks a lot! We wouldn’t achieve that without any of you!
- There are many startups
- Searching for an investor is hard: it takes massive amount of time and resources. Ideally you would spend this time growing your product.
- ICO platforms are getting traction. There are lot of success stories. There is enough room for new platforms, new features, added values.
- Startup equity investment is a market yet to be explored. It’s a big opportunity.
Wait a minute... what is an ICO?
ICO (Initial Cryptocoin Offering) - blockchain-based process to allow enthusiasts and supporters invest in startups and companies by purchasing part of its cryptocurrency tokens associated with their shares. ICO, like IPO (Initial Public Offering) is used to sell a stake and raise money, and they offer investors potential profit in exchange for a risk and possible failure to deliver on the promise.
In contrast to the Kickstarter-like crowdfunding which is basically a sort of donation, participants in ICOs have a financial stake and hope to obtain a return on investment for their contribution.
ICO removes many of the hurdles present in the VC process and allows startups to short-circuit their way to the market by directly presenting the idea to potential customers. This way, the process will also provide a way to gauge general interest on the project in the same way that presale works for Kickstarter projects.
- Intelligent startup - casual investor matching
- Marketing
- Community tools
Please contact me if you are interested about this project.
You can find more information at our Elevator Pitch.
Other interesting ideas
- New solutions for corss-border money transfer ⇒ smex
- Open NGO - provide transparency for NGO spendings ⇒ Jörn Erbguth
- Own you data - data privacy selling platform
- Better Half - app to connect 2 bank accounts and evenly charge them for common spendings